Halters & Leads

96500-S Small 5-80

96500-M Avg 8-11

96500-L Large 11-16


Colors available: Black, Silver, Copper, Blue, Red & Cypress Green





10" Poly lead with antique copper bolt snap and clamp. Comes to match all halters above.





10' Poly lead rope with brass snap and clamp. Assorted colors.






10' Cotton lead with brass snap







Hand tied 5/16" rope halter right here in San Saba. Made of 100% USA materials and workmanship. 9' 5/8" solid braid lead.


Colors available include: Black, Tan, Brown, Purple, Turquoise, Lime, Red, Rasberry, Orange, Hunter Green, Brown & Pink,

Brown & Turq,





Import rope halter with braided nose and 7' lead.

Avaiable in: Black, Brown, Red, Blue, Hot pink, Kelly green, lime, Turquoise, Burgandy, and Purple.







Import rope halter with 8' lead

Colors available: Black, Tan, Brown,  Burgandy, Pink, Lime, Purple, Red

 Kelly Green, and Blue.